Friday, October 3, 2014


Welp. There it is. 

Of course, there isn't an English job posted for this school yet. (Yet! I'm optimistic.) NIST is one of two schools in Bangkok that we're watching very closely. It's right in the middle of the city. The other one is about 10 miles outside of Bangkok, in a lush gated community full of expats. Both schools look like they have awesome facilities and have great real-life reviews online. Each has its own pros & cons which ultimately make them neck & neck for me.

Although we have been leaning more towards Thailand for so many reasons, the past few days here in New England have been chilly and rainy, making me absolutely ache for Europe. So when this job came up, I was a little tormented... My head says Thailand, but my heart says Europe. It's my heart. I have shed actual tears watching The Sound of Music and Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. I NEED to be in that place that my dad called "a life-sized Playmobil."

Because I am the kind of person who loves to plan ahead for everything, hypothetical or real (oh yes I did write my name with my boyfriends' last names in my notebooks' back pages), I came up with a solution. And now I really want jobs in Thailand. 

I can already hear my family laughing at this: I priced tickets from Boston to Bangkok, and found that it costs roughly the same (if not a little less) to break up the trip. We could fly from here to Munich, stay for a week or so (what? it would help our jet lag, right?), then continue on another airline to BKK*. And what airline has the cheapest flights to Munich? Oh, just Iceland Air, which offers layovers up to five days. Iceland is close to the top of my bucket list. A few days in Iceland, a few days in Munich, then onto the jungle for two years. 

*I don't know why I love this abbreviation so much.

Sign me up! I'm ready now! Come onnnn, NIST English job... 

I really haven't looked up apartments in both Munich and BKK. Oh, who am I kidding. Of course I have.

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