Saturday, June 24, 2017

The New Chapter

Our last night in the Rai
First of all, I am so glad I didn't post during our last week in Chiang Rai. I was in a very dark place. I'd ride our motorbike all over town and just sob. Our last Sunday there, I took the bike out to run a few errands. 

I cried through our neighborhood. 
I always loved the colors on this house
I actually won't miss you, horrible road
I cried at the market. 

I bought some fresh coconut milk, asked to take a picture of the couple who sold it to me, and cried when he made a goofy face. 
A second after I clicked, he lifted up her ponytail and made a face. I missed that shot. Which made me cry.
I held it together while filling up the bike. 
On the way home, I drove down my favorite street in town (my favorite because it has these immense old trees shading it, and the road respectfully curves around them). I cried passing a restaurant that our friend is opening there in a few months. I stopped by a temple I’d always meant to visit. I wept a little walking around the grounds, but when I was alone inside the actual temple, I sat on the floor and let it all go until I used up my whole packet of tissues. 

I was sad and bitter, and my thoughts were ugly; it was a good thing I didn't have the opportunity to blog. However, I kept reminding myself that I wouldn't have stayed there if I had the choice. Nick said he wouldn't have stayed for twice our salaries. I agreed.

This is certainly a sight I will never see again.
Nick counting out his final paycheck. Yeah, we were paid in cash.
Packing up & leaving the house for the last time 
Packing up at school
Now, we've been home for a week, and I'm feeling pretty good. For the first few days I walked around in public with a giant grin on my face, smiling stupidly at everyone and everything like I was tripping on some kind of club drug. (Quickly, before I talk about being home, I have to mention the flight. We had a 16-hour flight from Hong Kong to Boston full of rough turbulence. At one point, in the dark over the Pacific Ocean, it was bad enough that people screamed. Sophie cried. It was miserable. I get a sickening twinge in my intestines just remembering it.)

Being back has been very cool so far. My parents' house is soooo very comfortable, and the acoustics are noticeably lovely. My clothes stay clean after one wearing because I'm not drenching them in sour sweat every day. I went running and felt like a delicate little flower with a healthy glow, instead of peeling off clothes that felt like I'd been pushed into a pool and smelled like livestock. When I left here two years ago, I was at the peak of burnout, so I remember it being a lot more paved-over and strip-malled than it is. Massachusetts is greener and more beautiful than I remember it, and it feels good to have a renewed appreciation. We went to school for the last day, and aside from some painfully awkward moments, it felt like being home. We went to the library (!!!) and it was nirvana. I felt my eyes tingle just the slightest bit at the sight of all those books in English.

The culture-shock moments have been fun. I relearned how to drive on the right side of the road without too much trouble. Even after a week, I still have to remind myself that I can drop my toilet paper right there where I'm sitting, which is amusing, mostly because that's been the last habit to go. The food and the drinks have been divine. I have got to rein it in already. I'm realizing that staying at a healthy weight in this country will be like swimming upstream, which I guess isn't a bad thing because that burns a lot of calories, ba-dum-dump. The grocery store is a fun place to go. The choices are staggering (I was almost in tears of joy at the prices of wine), and seeing shelves full of things we had to go all the way to Chiang Mai or Bangkok to get makes me feel like this scene in "Cast Away":
I feel like this several times a day, frankly.
So there you have it. That's a short version of the past two weeks. There is more, but it's been such a whirlwind that that's all I can remember. It is obviously still the honeymoon period, but every once in a while I'll get a tiny glimpse of the dark things I left behind. I am nervous that they will grow bigger until they strangle my optimism. That will be my number one challenge. House hunting has been one of those things. We've looked at four houses with near-painful prices, and three of them looked like they were ready to collapse. We nicknamed one the Murder House. Another was the Haunted House, and the third was just Oh For God's Sake. The fourth one was absolutely stunning, meticulous and magazine-beautiful, but so small that we could never invite anyone over (trust me, this was not the annoying "House Hunters" thing where people are only concerned about entertaining; this house wouldn't be able to fit my parents over for pizza).

So ends the adventure. A friend asked me to rate the experience on a scale of 1-10, and I can say with all honesty that it was an absolute, hands-down 10 out of 10. 
Worldly possessions, 2015
Worldly possessions, 2017

Leaving the US, 2015
Leaving Thailand, 2017

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

This is One of My Favorite Posts

A few nights ago, we sat at dinner (which was a picnic on our bedroom floor, because the kitchen was too hot) and made lists of what we will and won’t miss. I’ve added a few explanations with some of them.

What We Will Miss:
  • The view from our house, sunsets & sunrises, the mountains, banana & mango trees
  • Khao soi and sai ua (Northern Thai sausage, one of the best things I’ve ever eaten)

Sai ua

  • Markets
  • Motorbikes
  • Easy, cheap medical care
  • All four of us going to school together, seeing each other throughout the day
  • Butterflies (the colors and sizes are insane, and they’re everywhere)
  • Geckos in the house (they're noisy, but cute)
  • Fresh bananas
  • Big tropical thunderstorms
  • Monks
Every time I'd run in Chiang Mai, I'd see this. Sigh.
  • House days (in-school field days, similar to Harry Potter houses)
  • Thai national anthem (which we hear every day and will remember for the rest of our lives)
  • Waterfalls, nature, crazy intense shades of GREEN
  • Rice paddies, banana & pineapple fields
  • Time with each other
  • School lunches (delicious Thai food every day-- this really is as good as it sounds)
  • Affordable travel; the prices of everything
  • Hotel pools (it’s a thing here to pay a small fee to use hotel pools for a day)
  • Flower smells
  • Long, the dog (a sweet semi-stray that lives between our house and our landlord’s house)
    • Thai dogs in general
    • Our great landlord, Yves
  • Friendly old Thai people
  • The BTS train in Bangkok, tuk tuks

Things We Won’t Miss:
  • Our hot kitchen
  • Shaky wifi
  • No dishwasher
  • Our muddy road full of massive potholes
  • Toilet trash (This is #1 for me. You can’t flush TP here. It goes in a little bin next to the toilet. This concept has never gotten any less disgusting for me in two years. Emptying it is my least favorite job.)
Vile. You don't want to touch the lid when you use it. But if you get one without a lid, then you can see everyone's... business. I will never, ever miss this.
  • Ants x10000, and scorpions, and bugs in the bed/drinking glasses/food, crawling on our skin
  • Perfectly still, sweltering humidity
  • Super-sweet snacks & drinks (I ordered an iced tea the other day and saw stars with the first sip)
  • Thai Netflix (It’s Netflix, it just has a more limited selection)
  • “sausage” (most sausage served here is really some variation on hot dogs)
  • Hard floors (make my legs & feet ache, break everything that falls on them, and make for horrible acoustics)
  • Terrible overhead lighting everywhere
  • School uniforms (that was Sascha’s contribution)
  • Lack of friends outside of school
  • The Chiang Rai movie theater
  • Distance to grocery stores (it’s basically a road trip)
  • Dirty feet, sticky skin
  • Burning plastic smells from garbage fires
  • Banking/credit card problems
  • Our electrical system, which is basically powered by an extension cord that runs up the hill to our house. It blows out if we use the kitchen sink at the same time as anything else. Also, it gives us random electrical shocks from our microwave, toaster, and metal shower caddy—yes, in the shower
Those two black wires provide our electricity.
  • Creepy old Western men on the prowl for Thai women. *Not all Western men here are creepy! We know plenty of normal guys. But I have lots more detail on this subject that you'll have to get from me in person. Those words are a little too strong here.

And finally,
Things We Won’t Miss… But Kinda Will Miss!
  • Roosters and dumb chickens (my apologies to all the chicken fans out there, but the ones we have around our house are loud and stupid… they run in front of our approaching car 100% of the time)
  • Squatty toilets
  • The language barrier (charades are fun for all parties involved)
  • The culture barrier (it's mind-blowing to be around people who don't know the same cultural references as you, and sometimes a little tiring; but mostly it's cool)
  • Teaching middle schoolers (this is mostly a "will" miss; man, they are sweet)
  • Thai pop music. It sounds like the same two songs everywhere we go. To be fair, if Thai people moved to the US, they’d hear exactly the same thing. (“American music is just ‘Under the Bridge’ and ‘Free Fallin.’” Yes, I have a grudge against those two songs.)
  • All coffee here is only espresso drinks, no drip coffee. I do love this, but sometimes I just want a simple cup of coffee. We have a coffee maker but it was hard to find, and the only one like it in the store.
  • Hanging laundry. I will continue to do this back home, except for towels, and I don’t know how well it will work in the dead of winter. It’s so great to push the drying rack out into the sun and have everything dry in 15 minutes.
So that's that. I am writing this on Tuesday the 6th. Two weeks from right now, we'll be home. I had a tiny flash of panic yesterday. I checked the weather forecast on my phone and realized that very soon, there's going to be a weather forecast for Chiang Rai that we will not be a part of. That was a weird feeling.

Oh! One more thing! I almost forgot to post the latest real estate offering I saw from back home:

 Asking price: $580,000.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Last Days in Chiang Mai

Last weekend was my last solo trip to Chiang Mai. It was harder than the previous weekend in Bangkok. I did all of my favorite things for the last time.
My favorite run, around the Old City perimeter, inside the 14th century moat

My favorite bar, the Boy Blues Bar. This guy is so silly. He sings blues standards with a thick Thai accent and flirts with the crowd.


GUUHHH I love Thailand

Take Your Child to Work Day for my tuk-tuk driver

Muy Thai match
I made a great effort to be fully present the whole time. (A sidenote: Mindfulness can be exhausting after a while.) I tried to memorize the sensations of each experience, because if I'm going to be painfully honest with myself, I will probably never be in Chiang Mai again. I can't remember the last time I cried, but I sniveled and wept like a child in the back of that tuk-tuk the whole way out of the city to the bus station. I felt raw for an hour afterward. Leaving the country will be worse I'm sure. I cried when I left Germany in 1991, but at least I didn't know at the time that I wouldn't travel again for eight more years. This time, I'm well aware of what our situation will be.

Wanna know a secret? When we left the US, I did not want to come back. I wanted to continue through the international school circuit for the rest of my life. It was hard on me when we made the collective decision to return. I still agree that it's the responsible decision, but it's hard. All the things I was happy to leave behind are still there waiting for me.

Moving back feels like moving back...wards.

More than anything, I am dreading the cost of living. Look at this:

Click to enlarge. Do it! Thai Expedia. This is the flight we're taking home. Note the price, converted below.

 Now. Look at THIS.
US Expedia. Same flight. Why? WHY??

This is what we are dealing with. And can we talk about real estate?
Click on this and check it out. This house is selling for $400K. Four. Hundred. Thousand. Dollars. And even though it looks like something out of a documentary about someone's misfortune, it will sell. Fast.
Behold the '80s decor and linoleum. Ready for the price on this one?
$600,000. Six. Not a typo. It'll sell in two days.
It is infuriating to hear people defend this with a singsongy, "Oh, that's the market." No. It's financial house arrest. Everything we earn will go into the water-stained fiberboard roof over our heads and we'll have very little left. I am so bitter.

See my braided hair in the picture above, where I'm getting a foot massage? It cost me $6 to get that done. (The foot massage cost the same.) Last time I got my hair done exactly like that in the US, in two French braids, guess how much it cost? SssssssssIXTY dollars. For two braids. (I paid because it was a special occasion, but I was obviously scarred by it since it was 12 years ago.) I can't possibly be the only one who thinks all of these prices are beyond ridiculous.

I am forcing myself to focus on the bright side, and there are a lot of bright sides. Our jobs will be so much easier. My kids will have friends again (and let's face it, our adult social lives went from lame to flatlined when we moved here; we're lonely too). I am so, so looking forward to cooler weather. Every afternoon here I'm faced with cooking dinner in an 85-degree kitchen with the same five meal options. Looking for dinner ideas online, it's all, shrimp*, fish, steak, grilling this or that; nope, nope, nope. We eat the same things so often that I'd be happy to never see them again (I'm looking at you, Casino brand frozen pizza).
Yes, we have a simpler existence here, but sometimes it's a little too simple. 

 *Have I talked about the seafood here? Well, almost everything we eat is local. This makes for the best quality eggs and chicken (seriously amazing), but the fish comes from here:
And it always smells like the river. It's not a clean smell. Even the frozen seafood labeled from the ocean has a dank, gut-twisting funk. Sometimes I can handle it if it's battered and fried. But I can wait.

I'm going to post this now, at the risk of offending people around the globe. Lately I think I am batting a thousand at saying too much. I don't want to come off sounding like this person:
If you are not American, don't be fooled into thinking this is a pretty woman. She is a horrid beast of an individual!
...because that's who I feel like, but it is a stressful, emotional time right now. Whatever thoughts I vomit up in the next few months are not going to be any prettier.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

It's Not You, It's Me

I suppose it's just the natural progression of things that Thailand has been testing my patience. This is a good thing. I've been worried about the depth of sadness I'm going to feel when we leave, and this helps. We've had a plague of lacewing-like flies in our house, and when I say plague, I mean hundreds. They, like many of the flying bugs here, are not shy and will land right on your face. We rigged up an electric bug-zapper racket next to a night light in the living room, turned off all other lights and closed ourselves in a bedroom. There was so much snap-crackle-pop that it sounded like a deep fryer, and our living room filled with a burning smell. There was an actual pile of these bugs under that light.

The rainy season has officially begun again, which means our "road" has a 6" layer of thick, slippery mud, with potholes that crack up the underside of our car no matter how slowly we drive. It's enough to make us rearrange plans just to avoid driving on it. I can't go running because of it. I'm tired of not-quite-clean laundry, or having to boil multiple pots of water if I do want it clean. The wifi goes out constantly in the rain. I'm dreaming of blueberries-- specifically, the huge clamshell boxes from Costco (Mom, get two, because the four of us will destroy one in one sitting). I'm tired of the ants everywhere, including the one on my computer screen as I type this. I'm over the tile floors that hurt to stand on for too long, that are slippery when wet, and break everything that falls on them. I'm tired of perfectly still humidity and wearing a sweaty ponytail every single day. It's the time of year where school is working everyone's last nerves, so I'm tired of that too. Without getting into too much detail, we have a person in our community who reminds me of this guy:

Jake Busey in "Contact"
I have to be honest, there aren't a whole lot of nutjobs like this in New England, so we're not used to it. He is weird and difficult.

But this morning I think I hit a new level of Over It. We were finishing breakfast and Sophie got up to put her plate away. She calmly said, "Mom, there's a bug on my chair-- what kind of bug is that?" as if it was another ant or something. It looked like a beetle to me, but when I looked closer it was a scorpion. It was kind of tucked into itself, so I couldn't tell at first. But this was the biggest one I've seen in our house (fully extended it was almost 3" long-- I just pulled out a ruler to double check my memory) with thick legs and it was sitting RIGHT NEXT TO MY BABY. Nick chased it around and killed it, but I was so freaked out I actually felt a little nauseous and tingly. That made me feel like getting a hotel room on the top floor of the highest building in town and staying there until we leave. Now the next 30 days will be spent in paranoia, gingerly checking every shoe and bedsheet, picking up laundry with tongs. I'm sick all over again just writing about it. I don't know why I've been fine with scorpions and literally everything else until this morning, but that was the tipping point for me. Big scorpion four inches from my child's butt? Nope, BYE. (Once again Sophie cheats catastrophe.) We have thirty more days to dodge nature. I'll take another scorpion sting for the team, just... not the kids. Please. Not the kids.

Of course I am still sad about some things. A few days ago I took my bike to get serviced so I could sell it.
Remember how much I loved this bike? I am a little embarrassed to admit that I fought tears watching them change the handle grips, thinking of -- wait, I just had to stop typing to wipe away an ant crawling on my arm and lost my train of thought. But yeah, I got emotional.

Last weekend we went down to the big Saturday night market on to buy gifts. That was really nice too.
The best khao soi in town
Anyway. Like the title says, Thailand is fine, it's still beautiful and I still love it; I'm just cranky right now. I just want to go running in dry weather, eat blueberries and drink a super-hoppy IPA. Maybe go to the movies, read a magazine, take the kids to a giant playground and let them run wild. This weekend I will take my last solo trip to Bangkok, then next weekend will be my last solo trip to Chiang Mai. I am so looking forward to them (so many spa visits!), but at the same time, I kinda just want to keep an eye on my kids' surroundings. Ugh.

Sunday, May 14, 2017


This has taken me forever to finish. I finally had to resort to jotting down all of my thoughts as they came to me, otherwise I would've never posted it.

My number-one goal while living in Thailand has been accomplished.
Artwork by Beth Bachmann
But first things first.

Last December, we had a big group of people come to visit us here in Thailand: my parents, my Aunt Beth, and our friends Maddie & Manish with their son Eshaan. It was a lightning-fast whirlwind in Thailand, so this first part is going to be more of a basic description just so I can remember it all.  There was no time for philosophical reflection!
This is how I had to organize their visit, with full sheets of paper for each day. It was crazy.
They all arrived in Bangkok late at night. We had a mini-reunion at 3 am.

Day 2: Sat by the pool as I dealt with work BS. Went to lunch, poked around Terminal 21 (a very cool mall). Went to Grand Temple. Dinner at hotel. One of the nights we went on a dinner cruise, I just can't remember when. It was all fantastic.

Day 3: Early flight to Phitsanulok. I felt like quite the rock star for getting the girls up and ready and the room packed in time for us to be out of there by 5 am. It renewed my respect for single parents. When we landed, there were stairs from the plane onto the tarmac, but then… we had to kind of find our way over to the terminal. Nobody leading us, no van, no attendants, just… there’s the terminal about a football field away: Go! That was funny. There was some confusion in renting the van, but we got it. We drove to my favorite temple and spent a few hours.

I was sad to think I would probably never be there again. Ate lunch at Pino Latte, where Sophie was bitten by a dog and then fell down a spiral staircase. That was eventful.  Drove 2+ hours to Sukhothai and tucked into our guesthouse. Dad & Aunt Beth walked into town for pizza and brought some back. I skipped dinner and fell asleep immediately.
Day 4: After breakfast, we biked Sukhothai. Sascha hurt herself half a dozen times and flipped out each time. I was just happy to be in Sukhothai again. After lunch, we headed north to Chiang Rai. We hit tons of road construction and slow trucks in front of us, so it took way longer than we expected (like 7 hours instead of 5). That was frustrating, but we had a nice lunch along the way at a little roadside restaurant. Rolled into town around 8 and met Nick at Chef Sasa. 

Day 5: Nick took everyone to Khun Korn waterfall, and Sascha and my mom ran errands with me locally. Ran some laundry, went to Makro (our version of Costco). It was really nice to show her a bit of my every day life. Then we made dinner for everyone and had the Billinghams over. Getting everyone to the house on our dirt road was a bit of an adventure. I had a little too much to drink in my typical social nervousness.

Day 6: We had to be in Chiang Mai by 1, but we stopped at the White Temple. I was getting frustrated by everyone’s relaxed pace, and sure enough we were late to meet the Patara guy. But! Patara! It was epic. At one point, Maddie said, "This is the best day of my life!" That was pretty great.
Nick making a friend
Mom was absolutely petrified-- not of the elephants, but of getting injured, a genuine concern at her age. She ended up riding the elephant right out of there like a champ. I was so proud. When it was over, she actually said she would do it again.
Day 7: Chiang Mai. Breakfast at Blue Diamond, my favorite restaurant there. We decided to skip Doi Suthep because we were exhausted. Walked around a bit, went to Art in Paradise.

Ate lunch at the Lebanese restaurant, then went back to hotel to rest. Maddie & I went to get massages from the women’s prison place, and we loved it—we loved them! Sweet women. Met for dinner. Went to night market, briefly. I brought the girls home early and everyone else tried to find the Muy Thai fight, unsuccessfully. It was fine; everyone was exhausted. 

Now... India

Day 8: Aunt Beth and I flew to BKK, then went ahead to Gaya. It felt like a huge day, like my wedding day, something I'd waited for for so many years. I had brought half a bottle of wine in my suitcase, not knowing that the entire Indian state of Bihar is dry and alcohol is not allowed. I was stopped on the way in (our bags were also screened upon arrival, not just departure), and they told me to bring the wine over to some guy. I had every intention of following the rules, but we never found the guy, so I broke the law and kept the wine. 

Driving to Bodh Gaya, I felt like my eyes would pop out of my skull. Every cell in my body felt alive, even though I had to remind myself to breathe. I’d wanted to come to India for over 20 years, and I was looking at scenes straight out of every Indian movie I’d ever seen, which is a fair amount. The dust and trash, the cows everywhere, the vibrant colors draped on all the women, the roadside barbers, the incessant horns from every moving vehicle!
 I couldn’t get enough of it, like my eyes were gorging themselves, pigging out, the visual equivalent of stuffing my mouth full of food with my bare hands and letting it dribble down my chin. My heart felt so full.
The air in Gaya was so dusty.

We arrived at the Root Institute, where a Spanish woman named Angela was working the desk. She was beautiful, with short curly hair and a wry smile. Everything about her was impish, and I never knew if she was smirking and chuckling at us or with us and our utter ignorance of India. Our room was sparse and utilitarian, but felt sweetly earnest with its heavy wool blankets and mosquito nets on the beds.

We took advantage of the masala chai available around the clock, and the food was some of the best I had in all of my time in India. There were giant pots of chana dal, vegetable stews, paneer soup, and fat fresh-baked rolls I will remember as long as I live. Every meal was a gut-buster.

Beautiful woman eating a beautiful lunch
The vast majority of the food in India is vegetarian. In the west, you might see a restaurant advertising its vegetarian options as an additional feature; in India, it’s the exact opposite, with “non-veg also available” in a little star on the side of some restaurants’ signs. I liked that, and often ordered vegetarian even when meat was on the menu. My go-to dish was vegetable Sikh kabab, but I’d happily dip my naan into everyone else’s plates as well. The food in India lived up to my every gluttonous fantasy. Even after a few weeks of eating the same dishes for breakfast, lunch & dinner, I’d get excited for the next meal. I was Homer Simpson in hell with the donuts. More. More. MORE.
The town of Bodh Gaya is very… local. There were very few Westerners. I felt like my blond hair was so conspicuous that I bought a scarf to cover my head just to blend in better. We quickly found out that getting money in India is next to impossible (a heads-up on this would be my #1 piece of advice for anyone going there; also, hang on to your boarding passes because they are checked many times even after you're off the plane). Either the ATMs wouldn't work or their limit was a small amount of money, the banks would be closed, or they'd have some other reason they couldn't give us rupees. One time, the bank told us they were just... out of money. Done for the day, thank you, bye-bye. We had to budget and borrow and piece our bits of cash together to make it stretch until nearly the end of the trip, when Maddie's dad was able to solve our issues for us. But... maybe a little fitting, no? When in Rome...

The central focus of visiting Bodh Gaya was the Bodhi Tree, where the Buddha first achieved enlightenment. We took turns going alone so we could watch each other’s phones, which were not allowed. They searched our bags on the way in, and the female guard was enthralled by the tube of liquid Pear’s soap I’d bought for my face.

Sitting under that tree, I suppose I had a bit of enlightenment myself. I watched all the people in deep states of worship, walking, bowing, singing and praying, grown adults prostrating themselves on the ground. I dug deep. I thought hard. I reached inside my heart, and…

I felt nothing.

I just felt nothing. There is nothing that would inspire me to lay myself out on the ground in front of a statue, or sacred tree, or person. The rituals are puzzling. It’s too vulnerable and suspicious to me. I have certainly felt spiritual connections before, most notably while working in my soft, sweet garden back when I was pregnant with Sophie, and listening to Bach cello on my headphones. But really, almost nowhere else. I think I’m just missing that… thing.

The highlight of my Bodhi Tree pilgrimage happened as I was sitting next to a girl of about 8 and her grandmother. The grandmother was holding beads, rocking, deep in prayer; The little girl just looked bored. She was wearing a dust mask so I could only see her eyes. I noticed a squirrel playing around inside a light fixture just above us and caught the girl’s eye, gesturing my eyes toward the squirrel. Her beautiful almond eyes broke into a slow smile above the line of her mask. That may have been my favorite part of the entire trip to Gaya, which was pretty great in itself. I also got a friendly, curious sniff from a soft black cow while walking back into town.  

Day 10: Christmas Eve. We flew to Delhi the night before everyone else arrived so that we could meet them early the next day. We stayed in my first Air B&B, which was a guest room in this fabulous woman’s apartment. She is an artist and her house was full of her work. She also had an enthusiastic yellow lab and a house servant who cooked for us. That was a pretty cool experience.

The rest of the group arrived in Delhi, where we also met up with Manish’s sister Aparna and her daughter Dimpi, who is in college. (We never took a group photo! Damn!) We had two hired vans ready to take us to Jaipur, our first stop. We would get to know those vans intimately over the next two weeks.
These three kids were total champs!
Our hotel in Jaipur was just gorgeous, and a great place to spend Christmas.

I’d ordered some of the gifts on Amazon and had my parents bring them, but they weren’t wrapped. While Nick put the girls to bed, my mom & I wrapped gifts in my parents’ room using Hindi newspapers. We draped my Gaya scarf on a coat rack in place of a tree. The kids were thrilled.

We opened gifts in the morning and rolled around in pajamas playing for a short while, when Maddie came in and told us we had sightseeing plans for the day. I think all of us were disappointed to hear it, but we were so glad we went! We saw the Amber (Amer?) Fort, this massive work of art that actually moved me to tears. The pictures cannot capture the scope of this place. I was clutching my chest all day.
The sheer SIZE of it!

Monkeys everywhere.
Oh my Christ, was this ever delicious. I think it was bhel puri?
After the Amber Fort, we had a midday Christmas dinner at a local restaurant. Manish told the waiter that I was a chef in the US (truth bomb: I was a lowly pastry cook for two years, 20 years ago), and could I possibly tour their kitchen?

This is one of my favorite memories from the whole trip. I got to see a real-deal Indian kitchen. One of the cooks showed me the tandoor oven and demonstrated how to make naan. I was in absolute heaven. I don’t know what Manish told them, but there were guys crowded in doorways peeking in like I was Anthony Bourdain.

We got back to the hotel and some of us decided to go tour the City Palace. My mom and Aunt Beth stayed back with the girls. That night, my mom told me that there had been… an incident. She took the girls outside to play. This is what it looked like:
Sophie saw the green grass beyond that window, ran, and launched herself over that little wall without a thought.

Nobody knew that there was a 10’ drop to a stairwell below.

And? Sophie landed on her feet on one step without a single bruise or scratch. In flip-flops. I’m writing this five months after it happened and it still makes my skin crawl. 99 jumps like that out of 100, and she would have broken her neck, or at least multiple bones. But she managed to stick the landing in that 1% sliver of a chance. It was our Christmas gift. An actual miracle. I finished the day with a lot of wine.

The next day was December 26th. Boxing Day. This one was the hardest day of the whole trip, but probably the most memorable. The plan was to drive to Jaisalmer. According to Google, that’s a 9.5 hour drive, which is already ambitious.

Well… It ended up taking us sixteen hours. In puked-in vans, on partially paved roads under construction that just never ended.
How I spent several days, engrossed in the movie that is India

Cleaning up carsick puke!

The kitchen at one of our rest stops.
While we were on the road, I became obsessed with Indian truck art. It's a thing! There's an entire book and documentary about it.
I remember around dinnertime, already over it, having driven about 9 hours. From the back seat I saw Manish check the remaining distance on his phone, seeing “6 hours” at the top of his screen and shaking my head in denial. It was a great bonding day for the twelve of us though; we named ourselves the Rajasthan Raiders. None of us could believe how well the three kids were handling it. They never complained.

We arrived at our hotel around 2 am. We stumbled out of the van, and as I carried a sleepy Sophie into our hotel I gasped quietly, “Sophie. Oh my god. We are staying in a palace.” It was stunning.
Beautiful, right?
Then we got our rooms.

They were filthy. It was just as ancient and rustic on the inside as it was on the outside. The bedspread was stained. Our room had no toilet paper. My parents’ room had toilet paper but no soap, and a toilet that looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in months. We paid extra for a flimsy mattress on the floor for Nick while I shared the bed with the girls. The girls wouldn’t stop asking “why” questions. Our exhaustion was up to several exponents, so we slept to the best of our abilities.

This is actually quite a flattering picture of the room.
In the morning, we had a little pow-wow at breakfast. Maddie was horrified and had apparently been in tears the night before, since she had booked the place over the internet. The rest of us hated that she felt so guilty. She told us that she found us another place to stay, if we were okay with paying the rather high price. After the previous 24 hours we’d endured, we readily agreed, and slipped out the door past the rude manager (we may or may not have paid… Maddie and Manish would only say “don’t worry about it”).

15 minutes later, we were greeted with drums, fresh flowers, scarves and blessings in the nicest hotel I have ever set foot in. This. Freaking. Place.
This picture has absolutely nothing on the real thing.
All we wanted to do was shower, eat, and sleep, and that was what we did for the entire day. I do believe this is the best hotel experience I have had to date. I think I temporarily died and went to heaven.  

Of course, it came at a cost. But I didn’t care, and four months later when we’re still paying it off on our credit cards, I still think it was worth every penny. I know everyone in our group agrees.

We did a little shopping in Jaisalmer, where I found myself falling in deep, velvety love with that town that became my favorite. It’s tight and messy, dirty, loud, and crumbling, but all spice and character.
Maddie holding court in a sari shop. I had the best chai of my life here, out of a Dixie cup.

Hello, sweet faces.

Jaisalmer is art come to life, surreal and rich like a movie set. Even the merchants seemed less aggressive here.

I get a pulling feeling in my chest around Arabic architecture. The light, the colors, the sandstone everywhere; I was swooning. I must have been Middle Eastern in a past life, probably a woman who was offed for being mouthy, but hey, bygones.

On the 29th, we ventured out to ride camels out in the dunes. It was very touristy, but I still loved it. My face hurt from smiling so much. We finished the day with a light birthday dinner for Maddie and a little champagne.

Trying to wrap her head around it... our #1 activity there.
We left Jaisalmer for Indore, where Maddie & Manish grew up. We took a five-hour train for the first leg to Jodhpur to avoid all the road construction we’d hit coming in. The train was about as luxurious as a yellow school bus. But it was not uncomfortable, and I was glad we did it.
Maddie trying to get us all on the right cars.
There's me!
We stopped overnight in Udaipur, where I made a bold-font mental note to visit again. It looked like an unusually lively and accessible town with a very cool vibe, and I wanted to see more.

Driving into Indore was eye-opening, and throat-closing. Outside of town is a factory district. I do not know what they are making there, but for several miles, even the air inside the closed van had a powerful, bitter, chemical smell and I had to cover my nose. I was shocked that people live in that air all the time, and made a note on my phone to Google cancer rates in India. I also had a bewildered mental chuckle at all the effort I used to make, buying organic milk, reading labels and whatnot in my relatively sparkling Massachusetts existence. I avoided high fructose corn syrup, bought natural peanut butter and sulfate-free shampoo. And people live in this, their entire (probably short) lives.

We arrived at Maddie’s parents’ house in the afternoon. We’d met before, and they were just as warm and sweet as we remembered them. Her dad, a locally renowned scientist, put us up in a guesthouse on the campus of the institution where he works. We were exhausted when we checked in, but the eager staff still made us a several-course meal. The guesthouse had cold showers, the Carpenters’ “Yesterday Once More” on a constant loop in the hallways, and wild peacocks on the grounds outside. They also knocked on our door at 6 am with tea service. The rooms cost $1.50 per night.

We had a wonderful time with their family.
Greeting 2017 in Indore
At this point we parted ways with the vans, Maddie and Manish, and all of their family members. We flew back to Delhi for the grand finale.

No trip to India is complete without seeing the Taj Mahal. It was a few hours’ drive from Delhi, and it did not disappoint. The tour guide we hired was a real pro. He had shown Bill Clinton and Nancy Pelosi around, and he was also Karl Pilkington’s guide on “An Idiot Abroad.”
Ramesh! The man.
This place was incredibly crowded. It left little opportunity for deep reflection or quiet awe.
A very accurate depiction of what it's like to try to get pictures there. All elbows and bodies.
As westerners, we were able to stand in separate lines from the local hoi polloi and get in faster, which made me squirm a little.
"High value"? Yeesh.
I wanted to get a picture on the Princess Diana bench. There was a guard there with a piercing whistle, manhandling people on and off the bench for quick snaps. He pushed people out of the way so the white women could sit. Ugh.
White privilege at the Taj, everyone. This was so rushed, it looks like my mom didn't even get the chance to sit all the way down.
After we went back to Delhi, my parents and aunt headed home. Due to a scheduling misunderstanding, we didn't leave for another two days. This ended up being a blessing in disguise though. We were able to relax and spoil ourselves in another gorgeous Marriott. We hired a babysitter at the hotel and Nick & I ventured into Delhi for a little shopping. I'm not a huge shopper, but the shopping in India is EPIC. In one local mall, we absolutely cleaned up, where Nick got almost an entire new wardrobe for less than $100. Everything he bought fits him so well he wants to find the store online now.

I need to wrap this up because it's been hanging over my head since January. So-- my final impressions:

India is like another planet. Going there is almost like being reborn, because it's so different from the western world that it's like your first time seeing colors, smelling smells, hearing music. Want to try psychedelic drugs? Go to India instead. I wish I had gone there in my 20s, when my standards for hotel rooms and bathrooms were much, much lower. I think of myself at 25 or so, and I think I could have stayed quite a while in India (leaving a trail of romances in my wake, because my god there are some gorgeous men there) and it would have woven itself into the person I am. That said, if you're not 25, it is the perfect antidote if you're feeling jaded or stuck in your life and need a bit of a wake-up. It's a spiritual ice bucket challenge.

The poverty is shocking. It's beyond your wildest imagination. We've all seen it in movies, but seeing it is different. We'd drive down the street at night and see this:

Not in line for the new iPhone.
And it wasn't just one section of street, or one section of town, or one town and not another. It just goes on and on. Naked kids hanging out on the street. Entire families just... sitting on the sidewalk. (I wondered where they'd slept the night before, and then thought... Oh. Right there, I bet.) We had many, many philosophical discussions wondering how aware these people were of the suckiness of their situations. Do they think it sucks? Or do they just not think about it because it's all they know?
Look at this. Do you see what I see? Look at the woman's face.
It is amazing to think of the great intellectual minds that come out of this country, the tech geniuses, brilliant doctors and engineering masterminds.

The garbage is everywhere. I saw a cow munching on a large sheet of newspaper in Jaisalmer. India makes Thailand look as clean and civilized as Sweden. Probably the worst I saw was homemade tents on top of a large trash dump. Many of these are not my pictures (it felt wrong to take pictures of that), but it looked something similar to this:
The tent was flimsier and the garbage was much more of a mountain.
I think the biggest challenge for me was the bathrooms. When my girls were newborn, every night this feeling of deep dread would dawn on me as bedtime approached, because I knew it was going to be a rough night with no sleep. In India, that is how I started to feel every time I had to go to the bathroom. In my head, I'd be whining "noooooo-ho-ho-hoooo, don't make me go."

Again, not my picture. But we saw quite a few doozies like this, most without lights.
On several occasions, I'd look at the bathroom, then look at the large field behind it, and wish I could just squat right out in the open because that was so much cleaner. This would be no problem if I was a dude.
This was such a common sight that we'd count how many "pee-ers" we could see every day. I think we got up to 7 one day?
Public peeing is such an issue that some places will hang pictures of Hindu gods at hip level.
But then, half of the country's people have no toilets. Half. That's a country of over a billion people.

I don't want to finish this on a downer note, because ultimately, I loved it. I loved it so much. It was everything that I'd hoped it would be. It's almost impossible to properly describe India, and we spent most of the trip trying. It challenged everything I thought I knew about everything, and my brain was working overtime. Nick said, "Everywhere you look, it's a photograph." Everywhere, every sight, was WOW. We also agreed that the photographers who win awards for their pictures of India are actually hacks, because India does all the work for you. Everything is in the extreme: the beauty, the filth, the smells, the colors, the flavors, the noise. Do I want to go back? Absolutely, in a hot minute, yes.

And now, I sit here at my table in Thailand with five weeks left in Asia.