Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A sad little lightbulb

Walking through the mall today, I saw the usual collection of white men with Thai wives. This is so common here that we haven't actually seen (or even heard of) any other Western couples outside of tourists. White men, Thai wives.

All of a sudden it occurred to me: Oh. Wait a minute. It's going to be a bit of a challenge for me to find friends here. Not that I can't be friends with Thai women, because the ones I've met are great. Not that I haven't met any other Western women, because I've met two-- but one is my boss and the other is substantially older. I do like them. But where will I find my Tina Fey or Amy Poehler, my partner in tasteless jokes, wine drinking and shallow concerns? Male friends are fine, and Nick and I are tight. But I need my ladies. Mouthy $h*t-starters, like me.

Errgh. It might be a lonely couple of years. 


  1. Maybe once school starts you'll find other parents.

  2. The answer is when the Mexicans arrive in December. 😆

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Out of all the things you left behind, I thought you'd miss your friends the most. You have such a great family of friends here who were such a big part of your daily life that I can imagine it would be hard to new friends like that. It's hard enough to find one or two people who really get you, and you had at least 10! Maybe when school starts your world will open up a little more. Can we Skype on Friday?

  5. you'll eventually find the mouthy thai women.

    1. Yeah, but a language barrier doesn't lend itself easily to snark.

  6. I am sorry, but reality has now smacked you right between the eyes! You will never be able to find women as wonderful as Kristen and I! That's it, time to come home! LOL! Miss you guys and hope you are having the time of your lives.
