Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Tough Problem to Have

We got a bite.

Let me back up a bit. About a week ago, a new job opening came up. It's a tiny little school in a truly amazing location: Montenegro. I know, Montene-wha? That's exactly right. It's a nine-year old country that was part of the breakup of Yugoslavia after the Balkan War. It's right across the water from Italy. Are you ready for this? Here's what it looks like:

No joke. Mountains, gorgeous clear blue water, small town. What was I harping on recently? How badly I want to get AWAY. This place right here, this is away. The charming quirkiness of Eastern Europe (I have a special place in my heart for Russia in all of its concrete Eastern bloc glory) with the beauty and climate of the Mediterranean. Clean air, great weather, running, hiking, biking, gardening, QUIET. This view right here, as I sip coffee on the terrace, for $700 a month. I could finally hear myself think, and start working on my Giant Stress Belly in the fresh air and sunshine. What could possibly be better?

Hmm. Well... This could.

Okay, we wouldn't be living THERE, exactly. But the pictures of Saigon, Vietnam that thrill me aren't the same ones that thrill most people. Like this:

It probably smells bad there, but I'm still like "Yyyyeeeaaahh, bring it!" I am aware that this is the polar opposite of the peace and quiet I just described about Montenegro above. The irony does not escape me. But that's probably why Montenegro is just a hair above Saigon, at least for me (I think Nick is the opposite).

Okay, enough picture time. Here's the story.

I discovered the Montenegro jobs and started doing a little research. The school is just a few years old, so it doesn't have any reputation at all. The money isn't great, but according to the agency, a family of four could live comfortably on one salary, and we'd have two. The pictures of this place are to die for. I am completely smitten. It looks like it is exactly what we need: Quiet, slow, boring, beautiful. And quiet. It looks like the exact antidote to the life we're living now. And we'd still have easy access to the rest of Europe. We got a small bite of interest from the HR person there who said she'd be in touch by the end of the week.

In a moment of desperation inspiration, I made a video resume for us to try to make us more visible:

It's not perfect; when I made it, I was tired (of course), pressed for time (of course), and interrupted every five minutes by a kid or dog or phone call (of course). But whatever, it's good enough.

I decided to send it to a few other schools we hadn't heard from yet. Saigon South is a big, desirable school with a great reputation and lots of competition for jobs. The money and travel opportunities are great (and also? Domestic help). Before I discovered Montenegro, it had risen to first choice in my mind, even though the odds were slim for us. I figured I'd throw it at their wall and see if it would stick.

It stuck.

The principal wrote back to us right away. I think she likes us. She said our letter made her laugh out loud. She had a few more questions before we get to the interview phase, and I think we both wrote back great responses. I think our chances there are really good, just based on our banter with the boss.

Now I'm wondering if I should write back to Montenegro and ask them if they could, you know, light a little fire. Stay tuned, because this is all going to go down in the next week or so! Wheeee!!!